

Our Core Beliefs

In 2019, Downey is 116 years old, a source of immense pride to us and our family. There is no way we would have survived and thrived for so many years without having an extremely strong set of foundations and core beliefs to work by.


Good service should be standard. You can have the highest quality product in the world and not a soul would want it if you gave terrible service. Reputations and are built and destroyed by it. We truly believe that Downey are not in the print industry but in the service industry.


Business is about relationships and relationships are built on trust. We are experts in the luxury printing field and our clients will constantly ask for our opinion. When we give it, we speak the truth, whether to the CEO of the company or an intern. Our advice is part of our service and part of our product.


Our core business and the only business for the first 50 years of Downey, was hand engraving printing plates for the industry. Founded by master hand engravers, you cannot avoid having extreme attention to detail as part of your make-up. This strong value continues to flourish today from all of our team. It is an essential aspect of our training and something we look for when hiring new members.  Our work, often for the highest tier of luxury, represents our clients and our client’s products, service and reputation. We must show standards that exceed those expectations.


Our knowledge, service and product must offer added value to our clients. When it comes to cost, we know that we are not the cheapest printer available. We are not going to fight to the bottom when pitching against competitors. We offer another solution, one from a vast amount of experience and skill that appear in all aspects of our work. By adding value to a project through technical guidance, alternative production options and finely tuned technical skills, we know that our value is added at a superior standard.


To be creative is to be excited about the possibilities of what might be. To have an immense knowledge of your craft so you can guide the options of what will work. To have a wide-ranging experience in multiple techniques and finishes. To have originality and authenticity that can be applied to any project. Yet keeping all those fantastically creative ideas and options to a budget and practical production timeline is the key ingredient we offer.


We are constantly learning about the creative industry, what new processes, materials, techniques, equipment, are available. R&D at Downey is happening every day and without it, we would simply stagnate and stop being satisfied by exceptional print. We are forever trialling designs and techniques ranging from brochures, laser cutting, luxury stationery, bespoke invitations and any printable materials by speaking to industry leaders (not just the print industry) to see what possibilities are available. We have discovered processes & techniques previously in this manner that have helped offer our clients and key advantage with their printing needs.